Query Worksets
To get the Worksets in a document us the
Query Worksets+ v1.2
component. Right click on the Kind (K) to Expose Picker.
Active Workset
To get the Active Workset use the
Active Workset+ v1.2
component. You can also Set the Active Workset when the input is added via the Zoom UI.
Ensure Workset
To make sure that a particular user created Workset is in the document use the
Ensure Workset+ v1.10
component. This is also the way to create a new Workset in the document.
Delete Workset
To delete a Workset in the REvit document use the
Delete Workset+ v1.9
Element Workset
To Get or Set a Elements Workset use the
Element Workset+ v1.2
Workset Global Visibility
To Get or Set the Global Visibility of a Workset with the
Workset Global Visibility+ v1.12
Workset View Override
Get-Set workset visibility overrides on the specified View with
Workset Visibility Overrides+ v1.12
component. To select the particular override option Right Click on Visibility to Expose Picker.
Workset Identity
Workset properties Get-Set access component to workset information with the
Workset Identity+ v1.2
component. To rename a Workset use the ZUI to expose the Name property.
Element Ownership Information
Use the
Element Ownership+ v1.6
component to get Element Ownership properties.
Document Worksharing Information
Use the
Document Worksharing+ v1.0
component to Get Document Worksharing properties.
Document Server Information
Us the
Document Server+ v1.0
component to get Document Server properties.