Creating Detail Lines

To create a Detail Line, use the Add Detail Line+ v1.8 component. Use the View parameter to select the view where you want to add the element, and pass the open curve as input as well:

Creating Add Regions

You can create a Region by using the Add Region+ v1.8 component. Select the view where you will create the filled region through the View parameter,and pass the profile as input. Note that the profile must be a closed loop, planar, and horizontal.

Take into account we can not create Masking Regions through the Revit API. However, by creating a region completely inscribed in another it will be a mask for the outer one.

Creating Texts

Texts can be added thanks to the Add Text+ v1.8 component. Use the View parameter to select the view where you want to add the element, and pass the content as input as well:

Add Detail Item

Place 2D Detail Item Families with the Add Detail Item+ v1.8 component. The component requires a View, Plane or Point and a Detail Family Type.

Add Symbol

Revit Symbols can be placed with the Add Symbol+ v1.8 component. The component requires a View, Plane or Point and a Symbol Family Type.


In Revit API, Dimensions of all types are represented by the DB.Dimension. The Dimension primitive in Rhino.Inside.Revit represents a Dimension.

Creating Linear Dimensions

Use the Add Aligned Dimension+ v1.8 component to create a new Linear Dimension on the given references. To place the dimension select a Line as input as well:

Creating Angular Dimensions

To create an Angular Dimension, use the Add Angular Dimension+ v1.8 component based on the given references. Select an arc to place the dimension as well:

Adding Spot Coordinate

To create an Angular Dimension, use the Add Spot Coordinate+ v1.8 component based on the given references. Select an arc to place the dimension as well:

Adding Spot Elevation

Spot Elevations can be created using the Add Spot Elevation+ v1.8 component. To place a valid view (not drafting or unlocked 3D), Revit reference and location are required. Right click the Revit Point component to set a Valid reference.


Add Area Tag

In an Area Plan use the Tag Area+ v1.7 component to add your Tag. The minimum required for this component is a Revit Area.

Add Material Tag

To create an Material Tag, give the Material Tag+ v1.8 an Element with a Material and valid View to tag in.

Add Multi-Category Tag

To create an Multi-Category Tag, give the Multi-Category Tag+ v1.8 an Element and valid View to tag in.


Query Revisions

Get all the Documents Revisions with the Query Revisions+ v1.8 component.

Sheet Revisions

Get all the Sheets Revisions with the Sheet Revisions+ v1.11 component.

Add Revision Cloud

Get all the Sheets Revisions with the Add Revision Cloud+ v1.8 component.


Add Image

Add an image resource using the Add Image+ v1.11 component.

Add Image Type

Create an Image Type from you Image Resource with the Add Image Type+ v1.11 component.