
This is the admin page for the website.

In Progress

Page State TODO Picky Sisters
Campos de texto In Progress needs porting from: … needs porting from:
Plataforma de desarrollo de … In Progress
Recursos de renderizado de … In Progress

Ready to Edit

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Ready to Localize

See Localization Status

Other TODO:

Page State TODO Picky Sisters
Authorized Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated yet.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Dibujo Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated for the announcement.
Luces Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated for the annoucement.
Materiales y texturas Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated for the annoucement.
Para Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated yet.


Page State TODO Picky Sisters
.NET 7 Complete
.NET Core vs .NET Framework Complete
Acerca de McNeel Complete
Administrador de capas Complete Review completeReview complete
Administrador de licencias Zoo … Complete
Administrador de paquetes Complete Review completeReview complete
Agrupar y filtrar datos Complete Review completeReview complete
Aplicación universal Complete
Aprender a utilizar Rhino Complete Needs ReviewNeeds Review
Atenuación de luz Complete Review completeReview complete
Atributos de objeto en … Complete Review completeReview complete
Authorized Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated yet.
Bloques Complete Review completeReview complete
Booleanas de mallas Complete Review completeReview complete
Brazil discontinuado Complete
Campos de texto mejorados Complete Review completeReview complete
Características Complete Review completeReview complete
Centro de formación autorizado … Complete Review completeReview complete
Certificación de condición de … Complete Review completeReview complete
Componente Placeholder de … Complete Review completeReview complete
Condiciones OEM Complete Review completeReview complete
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contacto Complete The old style page is ready: … The old style page is ready: For the new one to work correctly in each region there needs to be backend magic. The old version is good enough for now.
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Contrato de licencia para el … Complete
Créditos Complete Review completeReview complete
Código de verificación de la … Complete Review completeReview complete
Descargas Complete Review completeReview complete
Desfasar Complete
DesfaseInterior Complete Review completeReview complete
Detección de conflictos Complete Review completeReview complete
Dibujo Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated for the announcement.
Dibujos vectoriales dinámicos Complete Review completeReview complete
Diseñado para Mac: Metal Complete Review completeReview complete
Diseño de ventanas Complete Review completeReview complete
Documentación Complete
E/S de archivos basada en … Complete Review completeReview complete
Elegir el mejor método de … Complete
Empalmes de superficie Complete Review completeReview complete
EmpujarTirar Complete Review completeReview complete
EmpujarTirar para arquitectos … Complete Review completeReview complete
EnvolverMalla Complete Review CompleteReview Complete
EnvolverMalla Complete Reviewed and ready for …Reviewed and ready for translation
Estilos de sección Complete Review completeReview complete
Estilos de visualización … Complete Review completeReview complete
Fabricación Complete
Flamingo discontinuado Complete
Flujos de trabajo con SubD Complete Review completeReview complete
Formador autorizado de Rhino Complete Review completeReview complete
Formatos de archivo … Complete Review completeReview complete
Fuentes de una línea Complete Review completeReview complete
Gestión de diseños Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper Complete
Grasshopper Player Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Anotaciones Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Atributos de … Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Bloques Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Bloques Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Bloques Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Caché de … Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Procesado en … Complete Review completeReview complete
Grasshopper: Texto de usuario Complete Review completeReview complete
Gumball Complete Review completeReview complete
Gumball: Crear una mesa de … Complete Review completeReview complete
Gumball: Guía técnica Complete Review completeReview complete
Herramientas de creación de … Complete Review completeReview complete
Ilustrar con tipos de línea Complete Review completeReview complete
Información para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Información para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Información para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Información para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Información para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Iniciativa openNURBS Complete Review completeReview complete
Instrucciones de cambio de … Complete
iRhino 3D Complete
Librerías rhino3dm Complete
Licencias Complete
Logotipos e imágenes para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Luces Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated for the annoucement.
Mango de cuchillo: crear … Complete Review CompleteReview Complete
Mapeado UV Complete Review completeReview complete
Marcas registradas Complete Review completeReview complete
Materiales emisivos Complete Review completeReview complete
Materiales PBR Complete Review completeReview complete
Materiales y texturas Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated for the annoucement.
Mi cuenta Complete Please review.Please review.
Modelado simplificado Complete Review completeReview complete
Modo oscuro Complete Review completeReview complete
Modos de visualización Complete Review completeReview complete
Novedades de Rhino 7 Complete Review completeReview complete
Paquete de licencias … Complete Review completeReview complete
Para Complete Translators: This page to be present in … Translators: This page to be present in your language-specific folder, but not translated yet.
Pedidos, precios y descuentos … Complete Review completeReview complete
Penguin discontinuado Complete
Planos de construcción Complete
Planos de techos reflejados Complete Review completeReview complete
PlanosC automáticos Complete Review completeReview complete
Política de privacidad Complete
Política de privacidad Complete
Presentación de capas Complete Review completeReview complete
Productos descontinuados Complete
Productos discontinuados Complete
ReajustarRecorte Complete Review completeReview complete
Recorte selectivo Complete Review completeReview complete
Recortes Complete
Reducción de ruido Complete Review completeReview complete
RemalladoCuad Complete Review completeReview complete
Renderizado: resultados más … Complete Review completeReview complete
Renderizador de Rhino Complete Review completeReview complete
Requisitos del sistema Complete
Requisitos del sistema Complete Review completeReview complete
Requisitos del sistema para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Requisitos del sistema para … Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino - Idioma del sitio web Complete
Rhino 7 Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino Accounts Complete
Rhino en Arquitectura, … Complete Reviewed & made edits - JodyReviewed & made edits - Jody
Rhino para Educación Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino para el diseño … Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino para Joyería Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino para la Industria Naval Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino para profesores Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino.Inside Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhino.Inside.Revit Complete Review completeReview complete
Rhinoceros 3D Complete Review completeReview complete
RhinoCommon Complete
RhinoFabStudio autorizado Complete Review completeReview complete
Scripts Complete Review completeReview complete
Seccionamiento para … Complete Review completeReview complete
SectionTools integrado Complete Review completeReview complete
Selecciones guardadas Complete Review completeReview complete
Serengeti Complete Review completeReview complete
Servicios de traducción y … Complete Review completeReview complete
Soporte de Rhino Complete Review completeReview complete
SubD Complete Review completeReview complete
SubD Complete Review completeReview complete
T-Splines a SubD Complete Review completeReview complete
Texturas algorítmicas Complete Review completeReview complete
Tipos de línea Complete Review completeReview complete
Tramas de transparencia y … Complete Review completeReview complete
Uso de Adobe Substance con … Complete Review completeReview complete
Vistas recortadas Complete Review completeReview complete
Visualización Complete Review completeReview complete
¿Cuál es la precisión de … Complete Review completeReview complete
¿La malla ya está lista? Complete Review completeReview complete
¿Qué son las NURBS? Complete Review completeReview complete