Project Information

In Revit API, Project Information is a DB.Element and is represented by the DB.ProjectInfo

Use the custom component shared here to get access to the DB.ProjectInfo element and its properties.

Project Info
Place under Grasshopper User Objects folder. Find in Revit > Custom panel

Since DB.ProjectInfo is a DB.Element, you can use the typical element components to operate on the project information. For example you can use the Element.ParameterGet to read the built-in or custom parameters:

Or use the Element.ParameterSet to set the built-in or custom parameter values:

Project Locations

In Revit API, Project Locations is a DB.Element and is represented by the DB.ProjectLocation type. The DB.Document type will provide access to active project location (.ActiveProjectLocation) as well as all the project locations available in the model (.ProjectLocations)

Use the Project Locations component shared here to grab a list of all project locations as well as the active one. Since DB.ProjectLocation is a DB.Element, you can use the Element.Identity component to grab the location name:

Note that all Revit models return an Internal project location. This is used for internal shared coordinates. Avoid using or making changes to this project location

Use the Project Location (Destruct) component shared here, to dig one level deeper and grab information about each project location. The component has a XYZ input parameter that you can use to specify the exact point that the component needs to use to extract project position into POS output parameter:

Project Locations
Place under Grasshopper User Objects folder. Find in Revit > Custom panel

Project Location (Destruct)
Place under Grasshopper User Objects folder. Find in Revit > Custom panel

Site Locations

In Revit API, Site Location is represented by the DB.SiteLocation

Use the Site Location (Destruct) component shared here, to extract information about the site location associated with each project location:

Site Location (Destruct)
Place under Grasshopper User Objects folder. Find in Revit > Custom panel

Project Positions

In Revit API, Project Position is represented by the DB.ProjectPosition

Use the Project Position (Destruct) component shared here, to extract information about project position:

Project Position (Destruct)
Place under Grasshopper User Objects folder. Find in Revit > Custom panel