Loading Rhino.Inside.Revit

One Revit is loaded, click on the Start button under Revit > Rhino.Inside tab to load the Rhino.Inside.Revit

Start Button Click Modes

  • Ctrl

→ Click

Launches the Rhino about window that shows the exact version number

  • Ctrl
  • Shift

→ Click

Launches the debug info collector window. See Submitting Debug Info under Troubleshooting

“More” Slideout

There is a slideout under the Start button that contains informational tools and the Rhino.Inside.Revit Settings

Rhino.Inside.Revit Tab

Once Rhino.Inside.Revit is loaded and Rhino is licensed, it creates a new panels under the Rhino.Inside tab

Here is a description of the buttons and functionality available on this ribbon.

Rhinoceros Panel

Rhino The Rhino icon will start Rhino to run inside Revit. Grasshopper can also be run from within that Rhino instance
  • Ctrl

→ Click:

Launches Rhino window only

Import 3DM Import Rhino 3dm files into Revit
Open Viewport Opens a floating Rhino viewport.
Toggle Preview Previews geometry that is open in Rhino, inside Revit

Grasshopper Panel

Grasshopper Open the Grasshopper Canvas in Revit
  • Ctrl

→ Click:

Launches Grasshopper window only

Off Turns off the real-time preview by Grasshopepr in Revit
Wire Grasshopper will use a wireframe display for real-time preview of geometry in Revit
Shaded Grasshopper will use a shaded display mode for real-time preview of geometry in Revit
Disable/Enable Solver Disables/Enables the Grasshopper solver
Recompute Forces a recompute to the loaded Grasshopper definitions
Bake Selected Bakes the currently selected Rhino Geometry into the currently selected Category in Revit
Player The Grasshopper Player will run any existing Grasshopper definition and immediately return to Revit

Rhino Options

Rhino options window is easily accessible using the arrow-shaped button at the corner of the Rhinoceros panel

Rhino.Inside.Revit Options

Rhino.Inside.Revit Settings window has a series of options that can configure the Rhino.Inside.Revit behavior:

General Options

You can choose to Start Rhino automatically, and adjust other general settings from here:

Checking for Updates

Update channels can be set here. You can subscribe to Stable Public updates or Daily (Work in Progress)

If there are any updates available, both the Start and Options buttons will show a notification dot and the new update release info on the tooltip:

You can get the information and download the installer from Options / Updates. Please make sure to close Revit before installing the new version.

Grasshopper Scripts

Grasshopper scripts can be loaded into the Revit UI. Create a directory on your machine that contains Grasshopper (*.gh or *.ghx) scripts. All the scripts at the root of this directory will be added as button to a new panel with the name of this directory. All other sub-directories will be converted into pull-down buttons on the ribbon.

The My RIR Tools panel shown in the image below is created from a directory of Grasshopper scripts:

Loading Grasshopper Scripts into Ribbon

This is an example of a directory (named My RIR Tools) with two Grasshopper scripts, and an Examples sub-directory with more Grasshopper scripts:

Now add the path to this directory inside the Rhino.Inside.Revit Options / Scripts:

The “Use Script Locations” list will show all the directories that will be loaded into the UI:

Once settings are applied, the scripts will be loaded into the UI and are easily accessible:

Rhino Package Manager

Rhino package manager can be used to install Rhino and Grasshopper packages, and Rhino.Inside.Revit scripts.