Rhino license keys can be managed in many ways. The links below help select the best option for you.
Select Your License Type
- Evaluation
- Educational Single-User License
- Commercial Single-User License
- Commercial Multi-User License
- Educational Lab License (30-user)
One 90-day evaluation period is allowed per person. Evaluation licenses may not be shared between people.
Choose one of the following options:
- Float the license between multiple computers for one user by assigning it to a Rhino Account.
- Lock the license to a single computer.
Educational Single-User License
Educational licenses may be used by only one person.
Choose one of the following options:
- Float the license between multiple computers for one user by assigning it to a Rhino Account.
- Lock the license to a single computer.
Commercial Single-User License
Commercial single-user licenses can be used individually or shared with a team.
Choose one of the following options:
- Float the license between multiple users anywhere in the world by assigning it to a Team in your Rhino Account.
- Float the license between multiple computers for one user by assigning it to a Rhino Account.
- Float the license between multiple users or computers on a private network by assigning it to a LAN Zoo.
- Lock the license to a single computer.
Commercial Multi-User License
Commercial multi-user licenses are available as 10- and 50-user license packs. They must be shared among a team of people.
Choose one of the following options:
- Float the license between multiple computers anywhere in the world by assigning it to a Team in your Rhino Account.
- Float the license between multiple users or computers on a private network by assigning it to a LAN Zoo.
Educational Lab License (30-User)
Educational Lab Licenses must be shared among a team of people.
Choose one of the following options:
Recommended for on-premise labs: Float the license between multiple users or computers on a private network by assigning it to a LAN Zoo.
- Computers in the lab should be connected via LAN to the LAN Zoo server.
- All computers should be owned by the school.
- Computers can be added and removed easily from the lab. No direct licensing is required on each lab computer.
- Computers off-campus must be connected via VPN to access the LAN Zoo.
Recommended for student and faculty access from school and home: Float the license between multiple computers anywhere in the world by assigning it to a Team in your Rhino Account.
- Allows students and staff to access Rhino from any computer on or off campus.
- Computers can be owned by the school, students, or staff.
- Each user must have a Rhino account.
- Requires user management as students enroll and leave a program.
Assign to Rhino Account
- Recommended to float a license among one user’s personal computers.
- Use this option for licenses you own personally.
- The license will be on McNeel servers.
- Your models remain on your computer and are never sent to McNeel.
- Supports unexpired evaluation license keys.
- Requires occasional Internet access (over HTTPS TCP port 443)
To assign a license to your Rhino Account:
- Login to the Rhino Licenses portal.
- Click your name.
- Click Add License.
- Enter the license key.
- Click Add License
- Start Rhino
- Login to Rhino using the same email address as step 1.
Assign to Team
- Recommended to float company owned licenses among a team of people.
- Deploy Rhino to client computers.
- Requires occasional Internet access (over HTTPS TCP port 443)
- The license will be on McNeel servers.
- Your models remain on your computer and are never sent to McNeel.
- Optional: configure a domain-linked team.
- Invite people to your team.
To assign a license to a Team:
- Login to the Rhino Licenses portal.
- Click the team name, or click Create a New Team…
- Click Add License.
- Enter the license key.
- Click Add License
- Start Rhino
- Login to Rhino using the same email address as step 1.
To invite people to a Team:
- Login to the Rhino Licenses portal.
- Click the team name you created above.
- Click Manage Team > Invite Members…
- Invite each user using their email address. (Each user will create an account as needed to join the team). After accepting the invitation, they will be directed to download Rhino and login to their team.
Assign to LAN Zoo
- Recommended when sharing one or more licenses among multiple users within a LAN.
- Internet access is not required.
- Evaluation and Educational single-user licenses are not supported.
- Requires LAN Zoo floating license manager (free).
- Enables Deployment of Rhino to client computers.
To assign a license to a LAN Zoo:
- Download and install the LAN Zoo
- Start Zoo Admin
- From the Edit menu, click Add
- Enter the license key
- Follow the steps through license validation
For more details, read Installing Rhino for Windows in a School Lab
Lock to Single Computer
- Recommended when one user wants exclusive access to the license.
- Internet access is not required.
- Expired evaluation license can be used to view, but not modify, files.
- Contact Sales if your computer is lost or damaged.
- Requires license validation. Validation happens online if you have an internet connection. Otherwise, Rhino will guide you through offline license validation.
To lock a license to a computer:
- Start Rhino
- If Rhino starts without asking you to enter an email address:
- From the Tools menu in Rhino, click Options
- From the License tab, click Change License Key.
- Enter the email address to associate with the license.
- From the Options link in the lower-left corner, click Enter License Key.
- Enter the license key, then click Next.
- Click Lock to this computer