The Rhino.Inside.Revit community appreciates and benefits from your contributions. In case you have created videos, articles, blog posts, etc or have developed custom scripted components for Rhino.Inside.Revit you can share your creations with the community in a number of ways. Prepare a package containing links and other resources, and
Each feature page listed here, is a self-contained article on a specific topic. They also might have a ZIP package attached that includes one or more files (e.g. Sample Screenshot *.png
, Grasshopper Definition *.gh
, Rhino Model *.3dm
, Revit Model *.rvt
, Revit Family *.rfa
Visitors can download the archive for each article by clicking on the download button included on the page. You can create your own articles, following a similar format, and send us the markdown file of the article, plus all the images and attachments in a package and we can add them to this page. You can also follow the Documentation guidelines and submit a PR with your content.